March Events at the Garden Club of Jacksonville

The Garden Club of Jacksonville, strives to help members of the Jacksonville community connect to preserve green spaces throughout the city. The Garden Club dates back to the spring of 1922, when Ninah May Holden Cummer gathered a group of friends to start an organization that would celebrate the creation of a more beautiful Jacksonville.

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Celebrate the Holidays in Fernandina Beach

Head into the back of your closet and pull out your favorite ugly sweater—the holiday season is finally here! We don’t know about you, but we love to mix in festive classics with new traditions every year: here are a few ways to celebrate the holidays in Fernandina Beach.

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Celebrate Right Whales at this Fernandina Beach Festival

North Atlantic right whales are baleen whales, meaning they have bristly baleen teeth used to collect small crustaceans. Right whales can weigh up to 140,000 pounds and grow to 52 feet in length, with a lifespan of up to 70 years. They are easily identifiable by the white calluses on their heads and a lack of a dorsal fin on their backs. These whales are one of the world’s most endangered whale species with only about 400 individuals remaining, which can partially be credited to whale hunting that dates back to the 1890s.

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Fall-ing In Love With Seafood

It’s everyone’s favorite time of the year, FALL! ‘Tis the season for pumpkin spice and everything nice, but what seafood pairs perfectly with your fall-favorites? Grab your favorite cozy sweater, your pumpkin spice latte, and head on down to Timoti’s for fresh seafood!

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The Difference Between Saltwater and Freshwater Fish

When you normally think of fish you may think of delicious seafoods, like a flavor-packed Chimichurri snapper or a healthy tuna poke bowl. You may also think of where the fish swim, like oceans or bodies of freshwater. It’s important to know where the fish come from and how they affect you…

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Hop to the 1st Annual Island Hop Craft Beer Fest!

Looking for something fun to do this weekend? Hop to the Island Hop Craft Beer Fest on September 18th, from 1PM to 5 PM to sample local and regional brews! Not to mention the amazing food trucks and live music, it’s going to be a party…

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