Is Seafood High in Cholesterol?
Eating Seafood that is Low in Cholesterol
Kicking off the New Year with a resolution to eat healthier? It all starts with a change in your eating habits, which means switching up the foods you consume everyday. Maybe a pescatarian diet is what you need because fish can be a healthy star of any meal.
Cutting out meat can sound impossible, but it is generally high in saturated fat, which is something you want to avoid if you’re watching your cholesterol level. Substituting fish as your protein helps you reduce that saturated fat intake and prevent obesity and diabetes. If you’re looking for motivation to stick to a seafood diet, there are many holidays that make eating fish fun and something to celebrate.
We have all heard of cholesterol, but many people don’t know exactly what it is and its impact on our bodies. Today, we are going to shed some light on why it’s important to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol and how low cholesterol seafood can help you do that.
What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a substance that your body needs in order to make vitamins and hormones and build cells. It is not bad for you, but too much of it can pose risks to your health.
The two sources of cholesterol are your liver and the food you eat. Your liver makes enough cholesterol for your body, but the rest comes from the saturated and trans fats in a lot of what you consume, especially animal products. Those fats from food cause your liver to make more cholesterol than it normally would, which may lead to higher and unhealthy levels. This is why it is always important to get tested so you can know your levels and change your diet if necessary.
Photo courtesy of Georg Eiermann via Unsplash
Good Versus Bad Cholesterol
When we talk about having high cholesterol, what we mean is having higher levels of bad cholesterol. That is because there are two types of cholesterol: high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.
LDL is considered bad because it carries cholesterol that can build up as plaque inside blood vessels. This buildup may lead to narrowing of the vessels that could prevent blood cells from flowing freely. Lack of blood flow poses a high risk of cardiovascular disease and even heart attacks.
HDL is good because it carries cholesterol back to your liver where it will be flushed out of your body. High HDL levels can help reduce your risk of heart disease.
Low Cholesterol Seafood Diet
Changing from a carnivore diet to a pescatarian diet can help maintain healthy levels of cholesterol in your body due to less saturated fats. Some fish, like tuna and salmon, are also known for being rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help lower cholesterol. The American Heart Association even recommends eating two servings of fish a week, so you won’t have to give up seafood if you’re watching your cholesterol.
Some seafood is better than others in many cases. For example, shrimp can be high in cholesterol. However, that doesn’t mean you have to stop eating it all together. Shellfish, like shrimp and oysters, are still healthier than red meat because they contain fewer calories. What makes shrimp and other shellfish high cholesterol foods is the way they are prepared.
For example, fried shrimp contains high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol. However, if prepared in a healthier way, you can still enjoy the shrimp you love in a low cholesterol seafood diet. Instead of breaded shrimp, choose grilled. Grilling will reduce the fat content compared to frying.
Timoti’s Serves Low Cholesterol Seafood
Whether you’re trying to lower your bad cholesterol levels or you just want to eat healthier, stop by either Timoti’s Seafood Shak locations—Fernandina or Nocatee—for some delicious grilled shrimp.