Dining Out in a COVID World
4 Tips to Keep Yourself and Others Safe When Visiting a Restaurant
Image courtesy of dapiki moto via Unsplash
Dining out at restaurants is one of the world’s favorite past times. It encourages conversions between friends and within families, and is an experience than many people look forward to from Friday nights to Taco Tuesdays. As restaurants and businesses begin to reopen and individuals return to their day-to-day routines, it is important to take precautions to stay safe when outside of the home – especially when visiting your favorite dining establishment.
Here at Timoti’s, we are taking precautions to help keep our staff and customers safe. We have additionally compiled a few tips to help encourage safety, and hope to see you at one of our North Florida locations soon!
Tip 1: Order Takeout if Possible
Ordering food to-go is an automatic winner for a lower risk of transmission, simply because you aren’t exposed to as many people as you would be sitting down within an establishment. Many restaurants are now offering online ordering and pick-up, which is a convenient way to keep your distance and still enjoy a delicious meal. Pro tip: Make sure to stand far apart from other patrons when picking up your food, and pay online or over the phone if necessary to lower contact.
Tip 2: Enjoy the Fresh Air
According to the CDC, “COVID-19 is mostly spread by respiratory droplets released when people talk, cough, or sneeze. It is thought that the virus may spread to hands from a contaminated surface and then to the nose or mouth, causing infection.” To help reduce risk, the CDC recommends to sit outside if given the option at any establishment. A stronger air flow in an outdoor environment helps decrease transmission from one person to another when there is space between patrons. It is also recommended to wear a mask in between sips and drinks if possible. Which leads us to..
Tip 3: Wear a Mask While Dining (When Able)
We all know that the best way to prevent the coronavirus is to avoid exposure by wearing a cloth face covering when outside of your home, and to wash your hands. This helps to reduce the risk of exposure of the virus to others, and when others wear masks, it prevents exposure to you. It’s a win-win! Unfortunately, the act of eating with a mask on is somewhat impossible – especially when that fish taco looks so delicious. However, when you are not eating or drinking, try to remember that the beautiful face mask is not your napkin, and that in order to reduce risk of transmission, it is wise to put it back on.
Tip 4: Be Aware of High-Risk Items Such as Menus, Silverware & Restrooms
Staying aware of shared items in restaurants, like salt and pepper shaker and menus, can be a game-changer. Fun fact, Timoti’s utilizes menu boards rather than menus, and offers single-use silverware for your safety. When using the restroom, try to keep six feet between you and the next person in line, especially when you are indoors. And heed your mama’s advice – avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth and wash yo hands! Pro tip: Remove your mask by the hand straps when the food arrives, rather than grabbing the fabric that covers your face, and bring a bag to store your mask in while you enjoy your meal instead of setting it down on the table.
Whether dining outside or ordering online, it is important to keep yourself and others safe from the risk of the coronavirus. We wish you safe and healthy dining, and hope you come see us at one of our locations here in Northeast Florida soon!